How Soon Can You Start?

Strange. There is an echo in my house. I was doing some laundry tonight and noticed it when one of the baskets fell to the ground, making a shallow snap reverberate across the living room. Funny how a room sounds when it is empty. I could just imagine what my neighbors must have thought, if they happened to be waiting for the elevator in the hallway outside, as I stood there testing the acoustics. Intermittent yelps of UH! WHA! and HEY! Yup, there's an echo. I wonder how long it will take until I no longer notice it.

I am now the solo occupant of a 950sq ft., 9th floor, 2 bedroom plus den condo. Oh did I mention the balcony? The view also, is really something. Well actually I am not completely alone, a very special friend stays with me a few days here and there. Still, all this space is a waste. I have holed up, Bryan Wilson style, in my rather large bedroom.
I rarely venture out into the living room, and now since there is nothing in there, it hardly seems worthwhile. Tonight I ate pizza in bed while playing my X-Box, I could get used to this. Wait a second, I don't have much choice, I will have to get used to this.

Famous pop culture icons, immortalized in wax. Irresistible. I was tempted to assume a stance in between Paul Newman and Liz Taylor, it looked like ideal company to keep for an eternity. Well at least as long as the place manages to stay in business. I am among the living though, and belong in my bedroom. So it is here that I sit tonight, sharing these thought patterns with you.

I will move soon though, and this place will start to become unfamiliar, fading in detail as the years go by. There are new things happening now, and I am excited about them and the future that will inevitably unfold. I might even be a little bit optimistic.