G and T

Lost in the bubbles...

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, lying in bed last night, waking every couple hours, adjusting my pillow this way and that, half conscious, the sound of my dollar store alarm clock mixed with the rabid squelches of seagulls outside my window. What? are they fighting, or just happy to see one another, enjoying the city at pre-dawn, empty and half lit, swooping last nights fast food bags thrown from car windows. I can't sleep, wasn't the Gin I had a few hours earlier, hardly, it was the smoothest thing I had all week, smooth indeed.

The morning was better, or so I thought. Sun was coming out, boss is out of town, might as well take my time and stop at the Robson and Thurlow Starbucks for a little smoking, watching, thinking, drinking. I got my americano, put my shades on, next came the earphones, oh, I am feeling cool now, that's right blonde in the corner, low has got it goin on. Well yeah, that was then, this is now, seems the edge of my coffee cup got caught on the button of my jean jacket cuff, pulled it all over me, and the floor, Grande! The massive, steaming, stinking wet spot that started mid torso and ended at my knee was not an attempt at accessorizing, I assure you. Whatever, I decided to wear it with pride, I promptly walked up to the barrista and ordered another, "there seems to be a slight leak in my cup," (followed by nervous and insane laughter).

Sitting out in the sun, drinking coffee number two, walking down Robson st, or flying down the isle of the bus towards the back seat when the driver hits the brakes too hard, everyone get a good look. No I didn't piss myself, just spilt some coffee. I have to meet a friend for lunch and it had best be bloody well dried out by then.

Yah, so its been a weird couple days, not sure where my head is at, things are changing, moods in flux, I can feel it, makes me nervous. The coffee spilled all over the floor relational to all that I have tried to hang on to, dropped, covered myself in, wet and uncomfortable, people notice. Then it dries, and fades away. I can still smell it though. I would like another.