Why ask my lineage? The generations of men are like those of leaves. The wind casts the leaves to the ground, but the fertile forest brings forth others, and spring comes round again. So it is that the human race is born and passes away.
--Iliad, Canto VI
As for his plan, we profess to be able to demonstrate that there is no such
thing, that he writes almost at random, mixing up facts, reporting
them incoherently and out of order; confounding, when he treats of
one era, that which pertains to another; disdaining to justify either
his accusations or his eulogies; adopting without examination and the
critical spirit so necessary to a historian the false judgements of
prejudice, rivalry or enmity, and the exaggerations of ill humour or
malevolence; attributing to some people actions and to others
speeches that are incompatible with their characters; never citing
any witness but himself or any other authority but his own
--General Gourgaud
It's just a culture
Without an effort or any luggage
You're pillaging and out-tapped
-- James Murphy, LCD Soundsytem
My dear readers, all 88 of you that pass by this place every day. I am going away for awhile. Somewhere hot, with a swimming pool, and patio furniture. Recent events have encouraged me to seek refuge, to recuperate my frame of mind, and to heal my body from the excesses that I subject it to on a regular basis.
Fear not gentle reader, I will return, and I hope that you will do the same.
See you soon...
Your friend,