Rear Window

Don't want to be shy
Can't stand it anymore
I just want to say 'Hi'
To the one I love

I've probably mentioned this before, but I live across the alley from a busy tech company. I imagine by now that the entire staff has at one time or another encountered stories of my debauchery through remarks at the water cooler, or anecdotes while waiting to use the microwave in the lunchroom. I can't imagine what it must be like to sit at a desk, suffering the 9to5 routine, and having such uncensored access to the large open windows of my existence.

This morning I was hungover, two days in a row now, and as I stood in my calvin klein boxer briefs looking out the window while drinking a carton of orange juice, I could see a woman staring at me over her computer monitor. She didn't flinch at all when I looked straight at her, instead, she smiled. I stood there and gave her a submissive wave, and decided to end the show by getting dressed in the washroom.

I was at the LCD Soundsystem show last night and was completely trashed on cheap whiskey and weed. I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying, and I felt uncomfortable for most of the evening. Although, I must say, that mixed with the paranoia were moments of wild abandon, sweaty dancing, touching arms, seductive smirks, and freshly washed hair lashing my face. But the last minutes of the night, just before I shut my eyes and filed the day into history, were thoughts of terror. I seem to be on a destructive path, dining on the hearts of others, while I remain in an unshakeable numbness.

Standing in my underwear at the window, before I noticed the woman across the alley enjoying the view from her desk. I thought about all the crazy thoughts I had while zoning out in the lights coming from the stage, and the pounding bass that is still ringing in my ears.

I feel much better now. I'm ready to make the same mistakes all over again