breaking down the alienation of mass culture, one personal story at a time.
Waiting for a bus at the side of an eight lane avenue. Things couldn't have looked more dreadful. A thunderous sound of cars whooshing past, filled with families, or lonely men. Faces pressed against glass trying to judge you at sixty kilometers an hour. Trucks carrying tired workers to six packs waiting in the fridge. Egomaniacs with chrome wheels, pounding stereos, and exceptionally bad haircuts rip the inside lanes. Back and forth, never ending. It's a river with unpredictable current, following a path cut straight through the landscape on a bed of concrete surrounded by dust and litter. I would much rather be swimming in it, than have to see it this way.
To drive is to forget. I would like to join the legions of the ignorant, but I am stuck on the side of this road, fodder for all to see.