breaking down the alienation of mass culture, one personal story at a time.
My boss looked at my red, half shut eyes as he handed back my keys after he found them hanging out of the lock at the back door of the office, then I noticed I had toothpaste all over my shirt. I retreated to the cafe 20 minutes after my arrival at work, and left my bagel on the counter as I walked out, lost in thought. It is day four, of seven straight nights of engagements. I can do this.
I have been at the same club two nights in a row now, each night I witnessed the house lights being turned up, and the obligatory, "drink up and leave!" being bandied about by the bouncer waiting for the few last patrons to leave. The bar was empty, but I wanted to stay forever rather than return to my humble habitat, which is succumbing to a series of 30 minute fashion crisis and late night crashes.
I was dancing with a woman wearing a pair of retro pumps and a grey tweed mid length skirt tuesday night, complete with that hosiery that has the black seam running up the back of the leg. I love hosiery. I excitedly told Leroy about my escapade the next evening when we were out for dinner. He knew her, and, unfortunately, he knew her boyfriend as well. Apparently he looks like The Rock. I felt a pang of lust mixed with disappointment and lonesome worry for the future. A flood of emotion between sips of a double whiskey soda. Why is it that I can only feel things for women I can't have? I have crushes, oh, I have crushes...