
Hey There.

I'm sorry I tried to get everyone to drink excessively with me tonight.
You know that of course I'll try again tomorrow despite myself.
Please forgive me. Do not be afraid or irritated. Leroy is good.


Time has gotten by on alibis and wine
- Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah!

There's nothing lovelier, gentle reader, than riding your bike with a large group of close friends on a summer night with a cold can of Heineken in your hand. Meandering in and out of the pack, speeding ahead, slowing down, and falling into Dragica's slipstream cutting a path through the air of a perfect night. There was no breeze to speak of, and as I looked up at the lights of the home town sparkling in the calm waters of the harbor, I stopped the entire procession heading south to take a picture, but my camera's battery was dead, so that moment will have to live on as just a memory. Forever.