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man in good shoes - by Low

I tripped and fell off the stage last night, just after I told the audience that I was about to sing Cumon Baby light My Fire because I was a "fucking huge Jim Morrison fan." I was acting like an obnoxious shit though, and sang the song I always sing when handed the mic. After the set, with the PA shut off, I screamed the lyrics acapella to the Morrison anthem overtop the house music. Then, after the set, loading up the gear, I got into an argument with the bartender because I was drinking in the alley. I was a bit tight.

We took the money we had and went to a late night pizza place where we ordered a greek salad, fries and gravy, an order of hot wings, some zucchini sticks, and a large vegetarian pizza. It was 5am, I had a coffee, and told my closest friends I thought we should take a break from playing shows.

Two nights before that, at about the same hour of the early morning, after we had spent the entire night in a recording studio in an industrial park somewhere in the bowels of the valley, after LeRoy nearly barfed in his german omlette, I spent 4$. Making me officially broke, and I have been at the mercy of others ever since. I wrote Dragica a poem about party ice for a lunch, and a must see movie list in exchange for three beers from Remington, but I am tiring of this.

When I woke up this morning all I could do was prop my head up on its side so I could watch His Girl Friday. The phone rang 11 times, and I just watched the call display go blank each time, relieving me of the need to speak. I am losing the war at keeping it connected, the phone. The Hydro may get cut too. I own only 2 pairs of socks, and I found my last pair of shoes in the trash. I owe money all over the place, but I am going to Mexico anyway.